三葉形針是我公司的専利産品之一,其特性是在圓形的工作段上有三條弧形擠出邊,所有的鈎針均匀分佈在這三條邊上,减少了因鈎刺而産生斷針的可能性。 Trifoliolate Needles is one of our patented products. It is characterized by three arched margins extruded around the rounded working part. All barbs are evenly allocated on three margins and reduce the needle breakage from barbs.
Trifoliolate Needles is one of our patented products. It is characterized by three arched margins extruded around the rounded working part. All barbs are evenly allocated on three margins and reduce the needle breakage from barbs.
土工布,濾材,地毯,人造革,汽車內飾 等各種無紡布生產的需要