刺針工作段,能順利穿透織物全靠針尖的作用,不同用途的刺針應該選擇不同的針尖,刺針製造廠一般將36-46號針製成標準形或鋒銳形針尖,織造工業用毯時除了標準針尖外也可用其他形針尖。The working part of a felting needles relies on its point to penetrate fabrics so needles of different uses should adopt different points. Felting needles manufacturers normally manufacture needles of 36 to 46 gg into standard set points or sharp points. Apart from standard set points, other point styles provided can also be used in producing technical felts.
The working part of a felting needles relies on its point to penetrate fabrics so needles of different uses should adopt different points. Felting needles manufacturers normally manufacture needles of 36 to 46 gg into standard set points or sharp points. Apart from standard set points, other point styles provided can also be used in producing technical felts.